Force Plate Video Integration
The TEMPLO Force Plate Video Integration Module is a simple click and look video analysis program that can analyse movement and force vectors synchronously. There is no need for markers, hours of training or soul destroying data rendering.
A force plate measures the forces generated by a body/object standing on or moving across it in three dimensions ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’, our module will display these forces in the video image.
The Force Plate Video Integration Module records video from two perspectives (perpendicular to each other) as well collecting raw force data. The force data is then converted in real time into a line vector which is displayed on the relevant video. This helps the analyst to determine whether a treatment or correction is effective. This method is often used to analyse the human gait when the patient requires prosthetics, AFO’s or orthotics.
As TEMPLO enables capture of video from a whole host of machine vision cameras, including high-speed cameras, the ability to analyse force behaviour in faster movements is effortless e.g. in running, golf (utilising two force plates), foot positioning during high/long/triple jump, boxing or even pistol shooting. In fact this applies to any sport or movement where posture or weight transfer is key to executing technique.
We can also review and analyse the video in conjunction with data in a Force v Time curve.
The accuracy of the force vector overlay is paramount (please view the Pole Test alongside undertaken by ORLAU), and to that end we use a precision engineered 3D frame to calibrate the area directly above the force plate.
A pole is placed onto the plate. A variable force is applied to the plate as it is moved around in a multitude of directions. A correctly calibrated force vector will follow the pole precisely.

Proof of calibration
ORLAU Oswestry NHS
- No markers required
- Force Vector display – In real time and in preview
- Force Vector line – adjustable in line thickness and magnitude
- Overlay of before and after with vectors
- Display of Force Time curves
Although commonly used with two cameras and one plate, additional cameras and plates can be easily added.
Compatible with the following force plates:
Kistler, AMTI and Bertec.
Please Note: Force plates should be distinguished from pressure plates in that, although they too quantify the centre of pressure, they do not directly measure the applied force vector. Pressure measuring plates are useful for quantifying the pressure patterns under a foot over time but cannot quantify the horizontal or shear components of the applied forces. The AD Capture module is also needed if you want to use the Force Plate module.